Enhance Your Roleplaying Sessions with the Mirewood Weather Table

We’re excited to share a little bonus content that can add an extra layer of immersion to your roleplaying sessions: the Mirewood Weather Table!

Originally crafted to complement the atmospheric setting of our latest adventure, Heroes’ Call to Adventure, this table works equally well for many campaign settings. Whether your party is trekking through misty forests, navigating open plains, or exploring mysterious valleys, this table will help you quickly and evocatively describe the start and continuation of the party’s adventuring day! Use the table to:

  • Create a sense of time passing during journeys
  • Set the mood for the setting and for wilderness encounters
  • Allow something small to happen in-between combat encounters and adventure set-pieces
  • Add an element of unpredictability to the setting: changing visibility and calamitous weather may have a direct impact on the party’s genius plans… 😉

Download the table for free here: Mirewood Weather Table download.

The table was inspired by the rich, enigmatic forest featured in Heroes’ Call to Adventure. Check out the adventure book for levels 1-3 here: Heroes’ Call.

Happy gaming!