We’re excited to share a little bonus content that can add an extra layer of immersion to your roleplaying sessions: the Mirewood Weather Table!
Originally crafted to complement the atmospheric setting of our latest adventure, Heroes’ Call to Adventure, this table works equally well for many campaign settings. Whether your party is trekking through misty forests, navigating open plains, or exploring mysterious valleys, this table will help you quickly and evocatively describe the start and continuation of the party’s adventuring day! Use the table to:
Create a sense of time passing during journeys
Set the mood for the setting and for wilderness encounters
Allow something small to happen in-between combat encounters and adventure set-pieces
Add an element of unpredictability to the setting: changing visibility and calamitous weather may have a direct impact on the party’s genius plans… 😉
The table was inspired by the rich, enigmatic forest featured in Heroes’ Call to Adventure. Check out the adventure book for levels 1-3 here: Heroes’ Call.
Get ready for the Night Owl’s upcoming Kickstarter! Heroes’ Call to Adventure is a book featuring six adventures and new character options for D&D 5e and fantasy RPGs. The book transports you to the perilous Mirewood forest and serves as a gateway for forming new adventuring parties and embarking on thrilling quests. With over 150 pages brimming with new game content, this will be The Night Owl’s most ambitious project to date. Don’t miss the party! 😃 Sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter goes live!
The book will include a number of flexible one-shot and mini-adventures requiring minimal preparation to run, but together, they weave an expanding storyline. These are designed for starting and low-level adventuring parties (levels 1-3). A perfect gateway to DnD and the world of Night Owl adventures! This is the beginning of our epic campaign story!
But that’s not all. With the “Exceptional Characteristics,” you’ll also get a new system for additional options during character creation. Craft extraordinary heroes boasting unique traits, strengths, weaknesses, adventure seeds, and hooks intertwined with your background and the campaign world. Plus, expect plenty of DM campaign material and extra content. Kickstarter backers will have the opportunity to vote on the type of extra content to be included.
Heroes’ Call to Adventure will be full of battle maps and stunning illustrations by acclaimed artists who have collaborated with The Night Owl before.
A free preview, including a complete mini-adventure for level 1, will be available for download as soon as the Kickstarter goes live. Sign up for launch notifications so you don’t miss out and join the adventure train!
A lot of love and work has gone into this book and I’m excited to share more with you at the launch in early November.
Sign up for notifications now so you’ll also have the chance to claim exclusive and limited Early Bird offers with a significant discount.
Low-level adventures have a special charm, where even the smallest creature can pose a threat, and characters must rely on their wits rather than a hoard of magic items. This book embraces the spirit of classic D&D. Yes, it all begins at an inn, nestled within a dark forest. If this spirit of adventuring speaks to you, join us and help bring this book to life!
Knights of the Crystal Blade is a book with game material and two adventures for DnD 5e. In a mythical land, knights wielding magic crystal swords take a stand against injustice and oppression. Perilous adventures, deadly romance, courtly intrigue and epic battles await! Social mayhem will probably ensue, and yes, there’s forbidden magic and dragons as well, for starters! 😉
A free taster download with 10 pages of game material on magic crystal blades and how to customise your mount is available at the Kickstarter page! Check it out here:
In addition to the book (and PDF), there are customised character sheets, poster maps and gorgeous coat-of-arms posters (by illustrator Daniel Kang) available as add-ons!
Join in and help make this book and adventure setting a reality!